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  • 15. Jun 2024, 02:25 oqallinneq oprettede siden Wp/vai/Poker Face (Qupperneq pilersippaa 'Welcome to Poker Face Wikipedia (from Lady Gaga). This series of pages is for a test-wikipedia in the Poker Face language. Your Poker Face input here will be appreciated. The request for the creation of the Poker Face Wikipedia will be approved if and when there is sufficient article content. When it is approved, all content here would be moved to the actual Wikipedia. Because this is a test-wikipedia all articles here must begin with the format Wp/Poker Face/Nam...')
  • 15. Jun 2024, 02:25 oqallinneq oprettede siden Wp/Poker Face/Name of article (Qupperneq pilersippaa 'Welcome to Poker Face Wikipedia (from Lady Gaga). This series of pages is for a test-wikipedia in the Poker Face language. Your Poker Face input here will be appreciated. The request for the creation of the Poker Face Wikipedia will be approved if and when there is sufficient article content. When it is approved, all content here would be moved to the actual Wikipedia. Because this is a test-wikipedia all articles here must begin with the format Wp/Poker Face/Nam...')