Brugerbidrag for ChuispastonBot
Results for ChuispastonBot oqallinneq blokeringslog uploads loglister global block log global account misbrugslog
En bruger med 3 redigeringer. Kontoen blev oprettet 27. Oktoberi 2010.
31. Jannuaari 2011
- 16:5731. Jan 2011, 16:57 assigiinng oqalutt +570 m Atuisoq:ChuispastonBot Add that this bot is now a global bot. kingulleq
29. Novemberi 2010
- 22:1329. Nov 2010, 22:13 assigiinng oqalutt +803 m Atuisoq:ChuispastonBot Add that this bot is now working on the Toolserver.
27. Oktoberi 2010
- 18:2227. Okt 2010, 18:22 assigiinng oqalutt +241 Nm Atuisoq:ChuispastonBot Automatic creation of bot userpage